Cutter’s Cry Boss Fights

Overall dungeons have felt pretty good in FFXIV. They’re pretty tightly tuned for a duty finder group that is new to the dungeon with no foreknowledge. The boss mechanics are pretty refreshing and you actually have to do the mechanics in order to succeed. Hopefully this trend continues and the fights get even more interesting.

Here are the three bosses in Cutter’s Cry (Normal). The first is an ant that summons adds, some of which heal her. It can be a pretty tight fight if your AoE and target switching isn’t spot on, taking a while and with the boss regaining health can be a two steps forward, one step backwards experience.

The second boss is a sand worm that will occasionally do an ability, such as run down a player hurting everyone around them, and then returning to the middle of the room with a large AoE. It’ll also toss out some dots, and do a room wide AoE that sucks you into the middle before doing another middle of the room AoE (run back to the edges or die).

The third boss is the Chimera, and the tank gets to dodge frontal cone attacks from the heads the whole fight as well as worrying about a close range AoE (Ram’s Voice). Melee will also have to run out for Ram’s Voice. Another attack, Dragon’s Voice, will hit everyone who is not in melee, so all ranged need to run in for it. Text messages will appear to warn you as the boss is casting for people (like healers) without the boss targeted (Blue for Ram/Melee, Violet for Dragon/Range). He’ll also single target someone, send an orb after them, and once it reaches them a couple seconds later it’ll explode and put paralysis on everyone hit.

With that said…! Here are the fights!

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