Author Archives: Vapes

Let’s Pwn! Titan (Hard Mode)

After a few days of practice on and off I finally downed Titan with the help of a number of FC members. Two already had their relics, and three of us were working on them, so we picked up three pugs. Two of the pugs joined the FC, bringing the run up to a 7/8 FC kill!

The members that were in ventrilo during the video are (in order of party list):
Vapes Kindahlin (Scholar)
Pounce Lemew (White Mage)
Alteru Proteru (White Mage)
Kevin Gonyea (Dragoon)
Shina Landou (Bard)

The two new ones who joined were Stella Fleur and Taokaka Meow, great job all around, as you can tell at the end, everyone was very excited to finish it up, and I even got my Titan weapon (now I have all 3 Primal Scholar weapons!)

Full fails and kills are over on my twitch channel @

Comment/Follow/Subscribe over at Youtube and Twitch, let me know what you’d like to see or if things helped you out!

Cutter’s Cry Boss Fights

Overall dungeons have felt pretty good in FFXIV. They’re pretty tightly tuned for a duty finder group that is new to the dungeon with no foreknowledge. The boss mechanics are pretty refreshing and you actually have to do the mechanics in order to succeed. Hopefully this trend continues and the fights get even more interesting.

Here are the three bosses in Cutter’s Cry (Normal). The first is an ant that summons adds, some of which heal her. It can be a pretty tight fight if your AoE and target switching isn’t spot on, taking a while and with the boss regaining health can be a two steps forward, one step backwards experience.

The second boss is a sand worm that will occasionally do an ability, such as run down a player hurting everyone around them, and then returning to the middle of the room with a large AoE. It’ll also toss out some dots, and do a room wide AoE that sucks you into the middle before doing another middle of the room AoE (run back to the edges or die).

The third boss is the Chimera, and the tank gets to dodge frontal cone attacks from the heads the whole fight as well as worrying about a close range AoE (Ram’s Voice). Melee will also have to run out for Ram’s Voice. Another attack, Dragon’s Voice, will hit everyone who is not in melee, so all ranged need to run in for it. Text messages will appear to warn you as the boss is casting for people (like healers) without the boss targeted (Blue for Ram/Melee, Violet for Dragon/Range). He’ll also single target someone, send an orb after them, and once it reaches them a couple seconds later it’ll explode and put paralysis on everyone hit.

With that said…! Here are the fights!

How to Pwn: Diremite Web

I noticed a there were some crazy prices for Diremite Web on Behemoth, and peeking at the official forums, it sounds like it’s the same everywhere. Unfortunately this stuff is needed for leveling up weaving. It’s used to make Dew Thread which is a core ingredient in all of the Velveteen crafts.

Well, for those players industrious enough to go out and farm their own, here’s how!

Leave any comments or suggestions for videos below, and feel free to follow us/subscribe to any of our streams or on YouTube.


Arcanist Skills

Based on the information pulled from the Character Creation Benchmark we have some new hints as to the role of the Arcanist.

  • The Arcanist Class will be a DPS class and queue as one in the Duty Finder
  • The Arcanist will be a DoT and Debuff heavy pet class, similar to the Warlock in World of Warcraft
  • The Scholar will have multiple types of heals at its disposal. Shields, Regens, and heals cast by its summon.
  • The Summoner will have powerful summons based on Primals that will be more powerful than Carbuncle and have signature attacks. The Summoner will also gain abilities that syngerize well with core Arcanist abilities.

Here’s what we know so far!

Arcanist Skills
Continue reading

What’s to come with Tutorials

We’ll start posting tutorials once we’re allowed to stream content. Much of the tutorials will have supplemental videos to explain concepts. Hopefully the NDA on videos will be lifted for Phase 4 and we can get started right away. The tutorials will be focused on the information that people are seeking at the time.

Tutorials that we plan to have in the couple weeks are:

  • How to travel between major cities before airships
  • Where to get multiple classes, and which are most beneficial for me?
  • What is crafting all about?
  • How does gathering work?
  • What is my role in a dungeon?
  • Lower level boss fights

As we move forward, we’ll largely discuss boss strategies, and any obscure topics we can find, ultimately building up to raid boss guides.

Keep an eye out, and we’ll update when the NDA is lifted!